Does Christmas signal a time for joy, to take stock of the year, to appreciate and celebrate? Or do we use it to give ourselves a licence to abuse ourselves silly, and maybe even others? Or is it a mixture of both? This thought-provoking article by Susan Scully encourages us to examine the way we approach the holiday period, and how we can change it.
Once the clock strikes 12.01am on 1 December, wind-down mode and the party season goes into full swing. It’s often a time where what we could actually get done or complete is left unattempted or unfinished; where new projects are often held-over until the following year – which might not be helpful for your workplace, home or business.
Once the clock strikes 12.01am on 1 December, wind-down mode and the party season goes into full swing. It’s often a time where what we could actually get done or complete is left unattempted or unfinished; where new projects are often held-over until the following year – which might not be helpful for your workplace, home or business.